Do you struggle to sleep?

I put out a call a few weeks ago on my social media to see what some of your main challenges were when it comes to your overall wellbeing, and there was a common theme with sleep 😴

Not getting enough sleep, or enough quality sleep, is detrimental to your wellbeing. This is the time when our body naturally repairs, so it is vital that we take our sleep health seriously! 

Read on to see some of my top tips to slip into slumber. 

—Create a bed time routine 

This will prepare your body and brain for sleep. Some soothing contenders for your evening routine include journaling, listening to calming music, reading, meditating, calming breathwork etc. Anything that will calm your nervous system!

—Reduce screen time

Stay off your devices for at least 1-2 hours before bed. The blue light emitted from the screen disrupts melatonin which is crucial for a good night’s sleep. Aim to minimise your screen exposure as much as possible once the sun has set. 

—Avoid late afternoon/evening overstimulation

This could be induced by consuming caffeine, working late, high intensity exercise - anything that is an “upper” for the body and mind. Try and keep things nice and mellow as the day draws to a close, and aim to slip into your parasympathetic nervous system, rather than spiking cortisol. 

—Avoid overthinking

This might be the most challenging of them all! If your sleep is disrupted because of racing thoughts, try and put things into perspective. Will this matter next week? Can I think about this another time? Keep a journal beside your bed to write down anything important and you can come back to it in the morning. 

—Set yourself a bedtime 

Our body loves consistency. It’s all too easy to get caught in a scroll hole or mindlessly watching tv, and then before you know it, it's midnight and you’re not even close to ready for bed or organised for the next day. Create some structure around when you go to bed to ensure a restful night’s sleep.

—Make a moon milk

This could be such a beautiful part of your evening routine! Create a milk/mlyk elixir or herbal tea with calming herbs such as ashwagandha, lavender, reishi, chamomile or lemon balm. This will create a beautiful ritual for you to enjoy, with the helping hand of some plant allies to send you off to sleep. 

If you need personalised support for your sleep, or anything else regarding your overall wellbeing, reach out to me , I’d love to support you!🌿🙏🏼


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