Is your food your medicine or your poison?

Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be food - Hippocrates 

Everything you put into your mouth is fighting or feeding disease - this is so true 

We have so much power in our hands (and in our mouths) about what state of wellbeing we cultivate. 

Yes there are definitely other factors that contribute to our overall wellbeing for sure! But our nutrition is a big component of that. 

So what do we want to look at when it comes to our nutrition?

Nutritional content of foods - are you getting all of your nutrients? 

Why is this important? 

To ensure optimal wellbeing - all of your systems are functioning optimally - digestion, immune, circulatory, nervous system, hormones, brain health etc. it is all directly impacted by what foods you consume. Foods, plants and herbs have an affinity with particular body systems so we can get really specific, especially if there is something going on health wise for you, about what to consume. 

And its not just when you’ve got an imbalance in your system, but it is also to cultivate general wellbeing, vitality and longevity. (as well as enjoyment and pleasure!)

The energetics of food - how it is prepared, the energetics of the food itself - why is this important?

As well as having specific nutritional components, the foods you consume also have energetic and elemental components too. This is where you can really start to align our nutrition with both the external season that you are in, but also the internal season that you are in - for eg if you are menstruating, pregnant, post-pregancy, something else that you are navigating in your life, or when you are working through health challenge. 

I also want you to think about the energetics of how your food is prepared, and where it has come from. Visualise / feel into the difference between a home cooked, hearty meal made with love, vs consuming something from a fast-food restaurant, or even a meal from a busy cafe where the staff are under the pump.

Energy is real - and it is imbued and transferred into the food that you eat. So where possbie, it is optimal to prepare home cooked meals from scratch with love, intention and in a high vibrational state. 

Fresh is best - you can think of the energetics in this sense too - think about the vibrational state of fresh produce vs something that has come from a packet in a long production line. 

These are some of the qualities to consider from an energetic perspective when it comes to your nutrition 

How you eat (your emotional state, being rushed etc)

Because there is such a strong connection between the gut and the brain, the emotional state in which you consume your food is really important.

Have you had the experience where you’re rushing out the door and you shovel something into your mouth on the way out?

Maybe you eat at your desk at work instead of taking a proper lunch break?

Perhaps you’ve just had something stressful or emotional happen and then you try to have your lunch afterwards, and then wonder why you experience discomfort afterwards?

These are not ideal situations to optimise digestion. This is one of the reason why you could be experiencing digestive discomfort (there are many more too!).

The body needs to be in a calm, relaxed and open state to digest correctly and receive and assimilate the nutrients from our food. 

Give your food  some love, gratitude and a little blessing before you consume it to raise the vibrational frequency of your food. 

Organic & fresh where possible

This is a big topic but I needed to include it here. Even if you feel like you’re eating a “healthy” diet, including lots of fresh foods, oftentimes if it has come from a commercial farm it will be laden with toxic chemicals that are detrimental to your wellbeing in numerous ways. Opt for organic or home grown / farmers markets where possible.

Also make sure you wash all of your fruit and vegetables really well when you bring them home!

A note on packaged food - these are often laden in plastic which disrupted our hormones, and even the canned foods we don’t really know what they have put in there / potentially toxic lining of the cans. Best to avoid if possible.

The takeaway here (pun intended!) - opt for as much fresh and organic food as you can. Make it a priority, make yourself a priority to nourish yourself nutritionally (and otherwise) as best you can. 

There is so much more depth to this conversation, but these are some of the main pillars to consider when it comes to optimal nutrition, and ultimately optimal wellbeing. 

If you’d like personalised support that is nutrition specific, check out my offers and let’s optimise your nutrition and your overall wellbeing!


The 5 Main Pillars Of Wellbeing


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