The 5 Main Pillars Of Wellbeing

We are multidimensional beings, therefore we need to nurture and nourish multiple layers of ourselves to cultivate optimal wellbeing.

Read through to what I believe are some of the main pillars to tend to when it comes to holistic wellbeing.


Nourishing our physical temple with nutritious food, mindful movement, stress modulation and adequate rest, are all so important for optimal wellbeing. Our body craves homeostasis, and does a great job of maintaining it on its own most of the time. Doing all that we can to support our body to do its job will make everything flow more smoothly.


Check your mind and your mindset! Our mental wellbeing fluctuates throughout our life depending on what we’re navigating. Being aware of your internal dialogue, your mindset, and your stress levels, are going to support to smooth out the bumps in the road of life.


Emotional and mental wellbeing are often intricately interwoven together. Honouring your emotions and knowing that it is safe for you to acknowledge, feel, process and express your emotions will support you immensely. If you don’t allow your emotions to flow, where will they go? Allow them to flow in a way that feels supportive for you.


In our “busy” modern life, it can be easy to brush aside the fact that we are spiritual/soul beings having a physical experience. Ensuring that you prioritise connection with your soul self is so important for growth, fulfilment, connection and self-actualisation. If connecting with your soul is new for you, try connecting with the highest version of you. Crafting a beautiful sacred ritual around it can help too.


We are bombarded by toxic chemicals everywhere we turn in the modern world. Reducing our toxic load is imperative for optimal wellbeing. Take a look around your home and notice - what could be swapped out for a natural alternative? where your lighting could be softer? where you could let some fresh air glide through? Bringing nature back into your home will bring more balance.

I truely believe in a holistic and inclusive approach when it comes to our wellbeing, meaning that each of these pillars is as important as the other.

I hope you found this useful, and let me know how your nourish each of these pivotal pillars of wellbeing.

If you need support from a wellness mentor who has a listening ear, an open heart, and a grounded and sustainable approach to wellbeing, you can book a 1:1 session 🙏🏼


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