Your vacay won’t fix your burn out

Are you feeling burnt out? I feel you, I've been there before too.

This can look many ways, not just being absolutely exhausted (although definitely that too!).

For you it might look like -

  • Maybe you are too tired to exercise. 

  • Maybe you work full time and you go straight home from work and flop on the couch and eat junk food.

  • Maybe your nervous system is just absolutely fried and you have a really low tolerance to stress - anything can push you over the edge.

  • And then because of this maybe you’re really short with your partner, family, kids, work mates. 

  • Maybe it is beginning to manifest as disease or an imbalance in your physical body.  

  • Maybe you feel uninspired by life because you don’t have the energy to be inspired because you’re just getting by. 

I see so many women who - (maybe they’re a mum, business owner or career woman) get really stressed & burnt out & depleted and then they think that they can go on a holiday and that will fix all of their problems and it just doesn’t work like that. 

Your vacay will give you inspiration and creativity and fun and joy, but it will not fix your burn out.  

The other thing that I see is that women will get sick and give themselves a few days or a week to rest if they’re lucky and then just go back to the grind. When you get sick, it is your body giving you a message to slow down and nurture it. Resting for the minimal time and then going back to running a hundred miles and hour will not work. It might work for you for a little bit, until the next time, and then the cycle continues again. 

Why is this happening and why is it important to remedy this?

Ultimately this happens because we are disconnected from ourselves, often through external circumstances. And it also happens because we are pushing past limits that our body, mind, and emotions are willing to go. We are all so different so we have different tolerance levels for stress, how much we can work, what foods we should consume, what exercise we should do etc. If we are trying to emulate what we think we should be doing, this is what is causing a disconnect and a dis-ease and disharmony in our body. 

You need to look at your foundations as a first port of call. What is it that you’re doing on the daily that is weaving the fabric of your life? 

What are the routines, habits, rituals and practices that you do daily, weekly and monthly that are either serving (or not serving!) you? You might have to reverse engineer this to get this data. And this is one of the things that I do in my sessions with clients. 

Stress is the number one cause of many (pretty much all) disease. If you continue to operate this way, your body (mind, and spirit too!) will break down. We are not meant to operate in this state, in this hypervigilant, overworked, over stress, burnt out way. Its not nature’s way, and we are a part of nature.

And the longer that you keep operating like this, the longer it will take for you to unravel your nervous system, and any potential damage you may have caused your body. It takes time to get yourself to that state, and it also takes time to heal from it. So the sooner you address the problem that you most likely already know exists, the sooner you will be on the road to recover and on the road to your most vibrant self. 

I know when you’re in it, it can feel like there is no way out, or that this is just how life is. But there is another way, and healing is possible for you. 

Healing doesn’t come from a quick fix solution. Nor does it come from chasing perpetual endorphine hits, or always looking to escape or deny the reality of your life and how you’ve been living. It takes radical honesty. It takes time. It requires devotion, intentionality, patience, and a shift in your lifestyle. 

There are solutions to dissolve your burn out. There is another way to live your life. You just have to make the decision and be devoted to yourself and the lifestyle that you actually want to live.

There are so many ways that we can support your body, mind and spirit to come back to balance. Eg herbs, nutrition, movement, spiritual practices. 

If you are sick of riding the burn out carousel, and you want to learn how to nourish yourself and beat burn out for good, book in for a session with me. 

Together, we craft a plan that is designed specifically for you to help you nourish, flourish and thrive in a way that you've always wanted to. 

Let’s heal your burn out, for good!


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