How do you spend your days?

When you choose salad, veggies, fruit, healthy carbs and fats, over homogenized fats, processed seed oils and all processed food that is devoid of life-force, it matters.

When you choose to move your body in a way that fills you up from the inside out, instead of slogging away doing something that you despise, or not moving at all, it matters.

When you choose to breathe a little bit deeper, inviting in more inspiration, more life-force, instead of breathing shallowly into your chest, it matters.

When you choose positive, affirming and kind thoughts, over limiting-beliefs, judgements or unkind thoughts, it matters. 

When you take sweet, soft, gentle moments to yourself, even if they are far and few between, insteading of filling your days to the brim, where you can become so unfamiliar with your own essence, it really matters. 

When you take a moment to witness the beauty of nature by placing your bare feet on the earth, turning your face towards the sun, and breathing the fresh, sweet, early morning air, and by taking in a sunrise or sunset, instead of looking at your phone, it matters. 

When you enforce loving boundaries, deep, authentic connection, and doing things for the pure joy of it, it matters. 

When you prioritize the little things, which really are the big things, it matters.  

Every thought, feeling, action, inaction and decision matters. Each moment of each day weaves together to make up the fabric of your life. 

Live intentionally + intuitively, choose wisely, love deeply 🤍


Autumn Essentials


A season of slow