Autumn Essentials

I have to say that Autumn is my favourite season! Nothing brings me as much joy as feeling the cool air on my skin and noticing the days growing shorter. It’s like a big permission slip to slow down and go within.

There are a few things that we can do to really work with this energy and cultivate optimal wellbeing.

Warming, nourishing grounding foods

Think curry, rice, sweet potato & other root vegetables, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, chilli. Foods that will nourish and warm you from the inside out, support your digestive system, and are easy on your digestive system.

More space and less cramming in too many 'things' in your day wherever possible

Think less social catch ups, and more soul catch ups. Whatever introspective practice fills up your inner well, do more of that!

Begin your evening routine a little earlier than usual.

As the days grow shorter, it is a beautiful opportunity to have an earlier dinner (better for your digestion, shut down your devices better for your circadian rhythm and sleep), and earlier to bed time (you know you need to!)

Slow the pace down in the way that you move, both your body and your overall life

Think slow flow yoga, yin yoga, or any other slow, gentle and mindful movement. And leaving space in your days so that you're not rushing and spiking your cortisol.

Nourish your immune system

When the seasons shift is usually when we are most likely to disrupt the equilibrium of our system. Support your immune system with ginger, garlic, and turmeric (add theese to your cooking), and seek support from your naturopath or TCM Dr. for immune supportive medicinal herbs! (think astragalus, echinacea, ashwagandha and medicinal mushrooms). Keep your feet and kidneys warm, and nourish your lungs with breathwork and heart opening yoga postures. Ensure that you are getting enough quality sleep.

I hope you find these tips helpful to maintain optimal wellbeing throughout Autumn. Let me know how you go!


My journey to becoming a Holistic Health Coach


How do you spend your days?