How to nourish and support your immune system

Winter can be a time when we can experience a disruption to the equilibrium of our system. Here are some of the ways that I like to support my immune system. I’d love to hear if you have any to add to this list!

Immune supportive foods

Add immune supportive foods, herbs and spices to your cooking - eg. ginger, garlic, and turmeric. They will also add extra taste to your food too!

Stay warm

Keep your feet and kidneys warm. This is a really big one, especially in Chinese Medicine! You can also warm yourself from the inside out with warm and nourishing meals and herbal tea infusions.

Support your lungs

Nourish your lungs with gentle breathwork and heart opening yoga postures - even just laying over a large pillow is enough to open your heart and lungs. We can tend to need more respiratory support during this time.

Prioritise sleep

This is a foundation for many pillars of health and wellbeing. Ensuring you are sleeping enough and also getting quality sleep will give you a solid foundation to begin from.


Take time to rest when you need it. It sounds so simple, yet it's not something we allow ourselves to do. Give your body the opportunity to heal itself by resting when you need.

Find more joy

Find more joy in your days, even if it’s just tiny moments! Joy is one of the highest vibrational frequencies and will support you to cultivate a strong energetic vibration. This will in turn support your overall wellbeing, including having a stronger immune system.

Seek support

This could be in your personal or professional life. Or perhaps you need immune specific support - reach out to your naturopath or TCM Dr. for immune supportive medicinal herbs! (think astragalus, echinacea, ashwagandha and medicinal mushrooms).

Let me know how you go with these immune supportive practices!


Restorative Practices


Benefits of sacred rituals