Benefits of sacred rituals

Do you currently have any sacred rituals that you incorporate into your life regularly? If not, you’re in for a treat! Below you will find my top tips and the benefits that a regular sacred ritual or routine can provide in your life.

Sacred and intentional time, just for you.

In our full throttle lives, moments of alone time can be few and far between. Running in this way in a perpetual cycle can leave our internal engine depleted and dysregulated. 

Taking time just for you, however that looks for you, as often as you can, for as long as you can, and in a way that feels aligned for you, is going to keep your internal motor running smoother. 


It creates a beautiful rhythm in your life

Cultivating supportive rituals and routines act as anchor points, a safe haven to come home to, both when you are experiencing smooth sailing, and when you are traversing tough terrain. These moments of self-connection can be accessed anytime you need – even if it is just taking a few deep breaths to bring yourself back to the present moment. 

Gain direct access to your intuition and higher self 

In a world that is overstimulated, it can sometimes be hard to decipher what is ours, and what is not. Taking a few moments (or longer if it is available!) to be in your own energy is vital to cultivating an authentic, fully expressed life. It is also a place where you can acknowledge your emotions, thoughts, feelings and desires, and process anything that needs to be processed. 

It communicates to the universe that you know your worth 

It can be a common experience that we bypass, dismiss or downplay the need for sacred time for ourselves. This can happen for a myriad of reasons – be it work, family or other commitments. But placing everything else ahead of our own needs is detrimental to our soul. Taking sacred time just for you is a bold act of self-love and self-worth – because you know that you are the most worthy of your own time and energy.

It is something to savour and look forward to 

It’s pretty safe to say that for the most part, most of us are spending our days doing the same or similar things. You might even say that you get a little caught up in the monotony of life. Incorporating these sacred rituals into your life is just one way that you can spice up your everyday life, and have something to look forward to. 

Some examples of sacred rituals 

Cacao ceremony

Oracle cards


Dry brushing 

Using essential oils 


Having a bath

Lighting a candle or incense 

Sitting with your crystals 


Walking in nature

Yoga, meditation, breathwork, or any other mind body practice

Or anything else that feels sacred to you!

Try and incorporate these moments into your days as often as you can, and observe any shifts that arise as a result.


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