5 rituals for self-nurturance

Self-nurturance can often elude us, especially when life gets busy. Here are 5 short rituals you can try to include a little self-nurturance into your days.

Present moment/body/heart/womb/energy connection

Place one hand to your heart, and the other over your womb/belly, as you are waking up or falling asleep. Take a moment to tune in, to acknowledge how you’re feeling, and to ask what you need in this present moment. You could also do this anytime throughout the day when you need to come back home to yourself.

Nourishing Brew

Make yourself a warm, nurturing and nourishing beverage. Brew it with love and intention. Infuse it with your own magic. And while you’re drinking it, give thanks for it. Give thanks for the blessings in your life. Feel it warm and nourish you from the inside out. Some examples might be cacao, dandelion chai tea, organic coffee, or spicy ginger tea. 

Breath Awareness 

Find a comfortable seated position, sit tall through the spine, heart open, eyes closed. Place your hands wherever feels comfortable on your body. Take a deep breath through your nose, feeling your entire torso swell as you inhale, with a long smooth exhale through nose, feel your belly and chest contract. Repeat this four more times. As you inhale, you’re inviting in Prana - life-force energy. As you exhale, you’re releasing and letting go of anything that is no longer serving you. Take a moment to pause and notice how you feel after just a few short rounds of conscious breathing. 

Self-massage / gua sha 

After your morning or evening shower, take an extra minute or two to grab your favouite body oil, and your favourite essential oil, and massage the nourishment into your skin. Feel the loving energy from your hands melting into your skin. You could also complement the practice with a gua sha, running along the energy lines of your body, and across your face. You, more than anyone, deserve your own love, attention and energy. 

Light a candle / stick of incense / turn on your essential oil diffuser 

Take a seat. Take a moment of presence. Take a breath, and then a few more. Let yourself be hypnotised by the flicker of the flame, or the sacred smoke, or the vaporized water as it coils its way up towards the heavens. Know that there is nowhere else you need to be in this moment. Just here with yourself. 

Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to try one of these rituals each day and see what resonates for you! Let me know how you go :)


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